Tuesday, 29 December 2009

Phoenix Wright 1 and Alain de Soissons 1

Hello again, ^_^ I have some costume updates for you... already, XD Okies so one of them is actually due from before Christmas but I thought I better do my review of the ball first. So...

The first update is I have the tie for my Takarazuka version of Phoenix Wright... I spent ages searching and searching for a pink tie and thankfully whilst browsing before starting work I found a practically perfect one!!

It looks a littler bit more purpley in this picture but it is pink. Trust me on that. XD XD But yes, Phoenix now has his tie. ^_^ Obviously I already had the boots and I think the shirt. Just the tie clip and blue suit to go, ^_^

Phoenix will be worn at Amecon 2010.

My next update is for my Takarazuka version of Alain de Soissons from Rose of Versailles. Again I already have the boots thankfully. But everything else will need to be bought/made. Now thankfully I have made a start...

The turtleneck undershirt. Technically the version I'm doing doesn't have the undershirt, but due to some assests of mine that need to be quelled... the undershirt is needed, XD Thankfully the 2006, national tour version wears a turtleneck undershirt. All this means is that I'm doing a cross of two versions. Sort of...

Anyways, here is a pic of it on...

Please excuse what I look like here... I'm not exactly healthy at the moment, XD But yes, that is what it sort of look likes on... XD You mainly need to see the neck part which you can, the rest will be hidden underneath the jacket mainly anyway, ^_^

I hope to start a fabric hunt for this one soon, and to purchase my props (sword and hipflask). I would attempt to make them but... I don't think a sword out of clay would be a good idea, ;) Besides... my skills are way not up to either of those yet. But have no fear... I can easily find those cheaply online, ^_^

Again I already have the boots for this one too, ^_^

Alain de Soissons will be worn for the London May MCM Expo 2010 and for the Grand International Cosplay Ball 2010.

Obviously I will keep you all updated with how both of these costumes progress.

Thursday, 24 December 2009

Grand International Cosplay Ball - November 2009

So it's about time that I did this. My review of the Grand International Cosplay Ball 2009. XD Only a month late... whoops, XD This is also posted on my livejournal (public entry).

Okies so I'm going to start with Friday...

So I had work in the morning which was fine. Managed to draw the money I was taking with me out aswell. Had a brief panic moment when I thought I had killed my earphones, but it wasn't. The battery in my iPod had died so it needed charging, XD Needless to say I was relieved when I figured that out, XD So I got home and began work on finishing the xmas pressies for the girlies... this took WAY longer than I thought, and in the end had to change the plan to something smaller and I would give them their original pressies at a later date or send it to them.

So yeah, I worked on the other bits, got them finished and was happy with them. And I was excited to see how the girls were going to react. Only after I printed them... I found that it had gone all liney... the ink cartridges needed refilling. This was at 11ish at night and my parents had gone away for the weekend. And we didn't have any refill packs. Unhappy and angry was I, XD So after some tears and freaking out by me, I pretty much had a hissy fit and shut the main computer down and returned to my bedroom. There was nothing else I could do anyway. But then I had another brainwave whilst finishing my packing. I could still give them xmas pressies!! So panic averted, I finished packing and went to sleep ready for the next day...

Didn't sleep much. Was WAY too excited, but I had expected it. XD My sister's boyfriend had to drop me off at the coach station in the end as everyone was working. Bless him... he had only finished work at 4am and must have had four or five hours sleep? Still he got me there in plenty of time. Spent the time waiting for the coach trying not to bounce too much. XD XD Eventually got on the coach, turned my iPod on and was away on my journey.

The journey was quite smooth actually. And the driver had an awesome sense of humour... his safety instructions had me in stitches, XD XD But anyway, yes we arrived. Or well I arrived as I was travelling alone, but you all know what I mean, XD

So I got off the coach, grabbed my suitcase and entered the arrivals bit of the coach station. Had a slight panic about being on my own in that place again, it happenned in October aswell so I wasn't that surprised... having my purse stolen in May sure has made it's mark... anyway... after I composed myself I looked around a bit and decided to wander towards the bathroom area and the main doors in case the girlies were there. I knew Sam and Steph were arriving just before me, Emi was going to be late as she had to catch a later train...

Anyways, I wandered up there and thought I spotted a familiar blonde head. I wasn't too sure though so I slowly crept closer, glancing at said blonde person all the while. I was pretty sure it was Steph but I wasn't 100% sure. I didn't exactly want to start talking to this person if it wasn't Steph and was in fact a random stranger... XD But I managed to get my nerves up and ask. And it was Steph, XD Relief surged through me then, XD

So after hugs and greetings, we talked while we waited for Sam to finish in the bathroom. I refuse to use those bathrooms as you have to pay... XD XD Besides I didn't actually need to go, XD Anyways, Sam appeared shortly after, and I'm pretty sure she squeed at me, XD More hugs then, XD And I think then was when the zuka squeeing began, XD

So we met up with Lampshade and Matt, and then made our way to the train station to meet up with Emi. Highlights of this included the HUGE camera and talks of if it actually worked and how awesome it would be. And a conversation about not wanting to buy their big camera as carrying it around would be too much of a burden... that camera amused us to no end, XD But yes, as we were waiting for Emi, Sam got out one of her Graph's I think it was... or her Mizu photobook. Can't remember exactly. I do know we stood around squeeing for a while.

So, I spotted Emi... abandoned by suitcase to go and hug her and say hi, XD Sam and Steph followed me, XD XD Not that we went that far away, XD Since Emi basically ran to us aswell, ^_^ Finally the zuka family was together... <3 <3

 So yes, more hugging and squeeing, XD We then tackled the underground and more trains to get to the hotel. The trains and underground travelling was fine. It was walking to the hotel that nearly killed me... It took us way longer than it should have, XD It was also cold and wet. Not a good combination. But we still spent most of the time chatting and getting into our Elisabeth group mind set. XD

Once we did reach the hotel we all collapsed for a few moments to get our breath back... and to create what is now known as the pile of squee... which included all our zuka stuff combined, XD We should have taken a picture of it really, it was awesome, XD Ah well, we will do next time, ;) But yes, at first there ended up being a semi circle around where I was sat of all our squee stuff, but eventually I put it into a pile. ^_^

We also did our xmas pressie exchange. I did feel really guilty as my originally planned presents obviously didn't happen, and I also didn't have cards to give to them either... but I'll make up for that, ;) Recieved some awesome pressies from the girlies... one of which included a sketch by Steph of Hiromi... <3 I squeed... I know I squeed... and probably very loudly... and apparently they loved my reaction to it... it's up on my wall now, XD XD

Anyways, yes. We exchanged pressies and cards and after much prodding finally got our butts downstairs as we were late for karaoke, XD Very late... XD Whoops... XD

Lampshade and Matt had waited down in the lobby for us and we started off all together... but we lost Lampshade, well he decided to walk there I think... all I know is that he arrived nearly an hour before the rest of us, I think...

So yes, the rest of us slowly made our way to the train station again, and tried to make our way back across London, XD At one point we were split up and me, Emi, Matt and Steph had to wait for Sam. The underground was so jam-packed it wasn't even funny... well it was but it was also frustrating. And paranoia about being lost and losing people is just made worse in that situation but anyway...

We eventually made our way to karaoke... and had about twenty mins to half an hour left... we were VERY late... I'm blaming the trains... *shiftyeyes*

Anyways, looking through the book we were pleased to find the Takarazuka section, ^_^ Well... Choco found it for us and literally squeed over the page... it had Ai to Shi no Rondo and Saigo no Dansu on there!! We so wanted to do that, the four of us, but we didn't have time. Emi managed to fit in a song though which was good, ^_^ We've already decided to go back there in May, ^_^ 'Zuka karaoke ftw!! XD XD

Anyways after karaoke came a brief amount of time stood deciding what to do. Which somehow ended up with me, Sam, Matt and I think Emi talking about body chocolate... we were stood opposite a place that sold it. XD XD How ironic now that after saying Body Chocolate was added to our crack that a month later Chocolate Spread is running rampent... Apparently I attract crack... XD XD

Anyways... we eventually decided on food, and pizza. So we went on a trek to find Pizza Express. We found it in the end... after stopping to look at some Boots, in the window... ^^;;

But yes, we found Pizza Express, and had much fun conversation in there. Matt made the mistake of going to the bathroom though, giving Paul the chance to put the vase that was on the table, including flower, into Matt's coat pocket. It was sticking out and everything... but still highly entertaining to see Matt's reaction when he got back to the table.

After this we ended up in an Arcade. Spent some time wandering around in there, before we decided we needed to get back to the hotel to work on costumes a bit more. I didn't need to work on mine as I had completed Lucheni for the expo, but the girlies needed to finish off theirs, ^_^ So yes, we returned to the hotel and worked on the costumes a bit more, and squeed a bit more of course, before finally going to bed, XD

It rained all day.

So once we were all awake and dressed, we ventured out into London again as we needed to pick up some more bits for our cosplays. Long day was long and it took us an age to find the things we wanted. Some bits we couldn't get so we had to improvise, but we managed to get most things. We managed to find a tanned foundation for me to use as Lucheni as the stage tan I was using before just made me look dirty... XD

We also ate pizza again, XD Well Sam and Steph did. Me and Emi had pasta... yay Pizza Hut and free refills on drinks!! XD XD

Yes, we eventually made it back to the hotel and after a panic session of more costume finishing and me checking into my room (which I didn't sleep in, we just pinched the pillows) we finally got ready to go to the Ball! Again this took longer than we had planned, and I think we were about an hour and a half late but ah well... we still had an awesome time, ^_^

There was a brief moment of panic when they nearly didn't let us in. In our rush to get their we all forgot our IDs... *facepalm* They said we all looked around 16... *facepalm again* They trusted us in the end though, which was good cus otherwise we would not have been happy... though I suppose we could have just returned to the hotel and had zuka fun anyway... XD

But we got in, and were happy. For those who don't know, I'm 21, Sam and Steph had recently turned 19 and Emi is 18. So we are all old enough to drink, XD

But anyways yes we got in. I won't go into detail about the Ball... mainly cus I can't remember a lot of it, XD And no not because I got drunk... I don't really drink alcohol. The only drink I had was diet coke... XD Nah, it's cus I can't remember... it has been over a month now. XD

I do remember lots of crack photos though. Us all dancing with each other. XD Photos to prove it, XD I think the crack couple of the evening was LucheniRudolf... but you see I was Elmer in disguise... apparently, XD There was also the photoshoot in the Gingerbread House set up, which was good. The photos our group had were awesome!!

It was fun catching up with people, ^_^ Not that I had a lot of people to catch up with but I did manage to talk to Jake, Mike and Granny, ^_^ I don't think many others recognised me to be honest... a tash will do that, XD

I didn't know a lot of the music, and the Disney section was entertaining... though a lot of the other entertainment I kinda blanked at or during... my fault mainly as I was so tired... and my feet were killing, XD

I did have an awesome time at the ball though. Even if I ended up with a huge bruise on the back of my leg. Which explained why I literally wasn't able to walk back to the hotel. We got a taxi and the poor taxi driver gave us some interesting comments... He asked us if it was a wedding party first... and then... he said that I was beautiful with a moustache... yeah I was giggling for ages after that.

I do remember once back in the hotel, the need for Oasis and Salt and Vinegar McCoys... I was hungry, XD

We all collapsed out of our costumes and after random chatter, went to sleep.

Again it rained all day.

Our last day... well half day. This day turned out completely not how we planned... but anyway. We packed up and left the hotel. Traversed the underground again. I was in way too much pain to be able to cart my luggage all around London again, my arthritis was playing up something terrible... and the bruise on my leg wasn't helping either. So I came up with the awesome plan. I would sit in Victoria Station, in the food bit, with all the cases, whilst Emi, Sam and Steph went out to get the things they wanted.

Unfortunately by the time they got back, Sam and Steph had to grab their cases and run as they were going to miss their coach. Thankfully their coach was running late so they managed to get on it in time but it was sad that we never got to have a proper goodbye. Thankfully we have plans for expo and future events of planning in an extra day for the treks around London, XD XD

But after Sam and Steph had gone, it was just me and Emi left... we grabbed some food (MacDonalds... yeah... it was edible and we were hungry) before going back to the coach station so I could catch my coach.

Did get a proper goodbye with Emi which was nice. Though it was sad to leave. I had had so much fun, and I made some of the best friends ever that weekend. On the coach trip back I had texts from them all... and as soon as we all were back we were online to talk to each other again.

I love my zuka family to pieces. And I am so thankful to have met them all... hopefully the next time we will see each other is in March for Phantom 2!! And definitely for May Expo...

The Grand International Cosplay Ball was a good event. Even with all the crappy weather and the pain it was still worth it, and I'll definitely be going again next year if it's on again, ^_^

We've already got our costumes planned for it, XD We're going to rewear our Rose of Versailles costumes, XD Alain will be going to the ball!! XD XD

My next cosplay event will be London May MCM Expo 2010. Currently my costumes planned are, Alain de Soissons (Rose of Versailles, Takarazuka) and Kozuki Wataru (ACHE). I will be doing a review with pictures of that one too afterwards, ^_^


Sam as Der Tod, Emi as Sissi.

Steph as Rudolf, Me as Luigi Lucheni.

Sam as Der Tod, Steph as Rudolf.

Sam as Der Tod, Me as Luigi Lucheni.

Group Shot!! Emi as Sissi, Sam as Der Tod, Me as Luigi Lucheni and Steph as Rudolf.

For more pictures and bigger versions of the ones seen here, please visit my livejournal, ^_^ Link is at the top in the link section, ^_^

Sunday, 1 November 2009

London MCM Expo - October 2009

Well it's been a week now so about time I did my review of it. Not that it will make much sense really but ah well. This has also been posted on my livejournal (public entry).


So Friday... that was an interesting day. Got back from signing on at the job centre to mind a missed call from Heather on my phone and a voice message. I hadn't taken my phone with me as I wasn't going to be that long and I'm paranoid as hell about someone pinching it... but anyways, listened to the message to find we had a problem. Kathy's flight had landed, but no-one had a way of contacting her apart from me. No-one knew what she looked like apart from me. Yeah, so I grabbed her number off my phone, forwarded it on to Heather and continued to get my stuff ready for when I had to leave.

A few minutes later my phone goes again. Facebook message from Pounce asking for Kathy's number to give to Heather. After I had replied, again started moving my luggage downstairs with help from my father. Phone goes again. Kathy's phone isn't switched on, where is she flying in from? I wasn't 100% sure but I told them where I thought she was flying from. End of call. Phone goes off, facebook message from Kathy. 'Where are they?'... and thus began the great facebook messaging rally, XD

Basically a lot of facebook messages were passed back and forth between me and Kathy with me ringing Heather and Matt with the info I found out, like gate numbers etc. Once that was sorted my taxi had arrived to take me to the coach station. Once boarded my coach I found a text from Fluffbuns Matt asking me to ring, again confusion about Kathy, XD Once that was sorted I could then sit back and relax a bit. I had a two and half hour coach journey ahead of me, XD

Once arrived I was probably waiting twenty minutes or so before finding Heather, Matt and Kathy. After much squeeing we tackled the underground and eventually found our way to the apartments. Bags were dumped, including Kathy's HUGE SUITCASE OF DOOM!!!! Seriously that thing could have fitted me and MY suitcase in there with room to spare... It was huge.

After bags were dumped in appropriate rooms and more squeeing and mouth dropping at size of apartment we went on a trek for food, XD Didn't take too long before we went back to the apartment. I then finished off my Lucheni costume... with Elisabeth playing at the same time of course. Had to get myself in the mood after all, XD Then a Kaka appeared after finishing whatever she had been doing. Then she had to go out again. Such a social butterfly is our Kaka, XD

Then a Gemma appeared and more squeeing occured aswell as lots of hugs. Then it was time for food to be consumed. More squeeing and excitement. Then sleep was attempted.


Woke up early. Me being the cruel person I am, turned on the light in our room in an effort to not only make Kathy get up but to make me wake properly aswell. We had costume preperations to do after all. To cut all the preperations down short... we got ourselves ready and I put on the fake stage tan... my god... that stuff just made me look dirty. It was hysterical. Add to that the gross hair and the stripey top... thus my nickname for the weekend came to be...

Dirty French Mime

Thank you so much Jase for that, XD XD The DFM even turned up in our game of Apples to Apples on Sunday... and I died everytime it was played, XD XD

But back to Sat.

Once all the preperations I could do were done we headed out to excel. The flipping cue... it must have 9:45 by the time we got into the expo... we must have cued for like an hour. And we had early entry tickets. It was insane!!! And very very hot.

But once we got in it was fine. Had a walk around before the great Emi hunt began. Do you know how many toilets the Excel Centre has? It was nearly an impossible task, and that must have taken us like an hour to achieve aswell!

But once found my costume was complete as Emi attacked me with make-up. We had a giggle over the fact that we were Western imitating Japanese who were imitating Western... XD XD Got to love Takarazuka cosplaying, XD

Then bags were dropped off and we stalked around singing for a good long time. Well Kathy and Emi were singing, me I was just looking threateningly at the Free Hugs whilst playing with my dagger... I didn't get asked for a Free Hug once, XD XD Kathy took some photos... then I had to go back to the apartment for a costume fitting. To cut another long story short, we couldn't finish the costume in time and had to pull out of the Masquerade. Me, Kathy, Heather and Matt ended up sat chatting about lots of random stuff for a good few hours, also did some more costume planning as we do.

The others got back from the masquerade. Food was prepared and consumed. Afterwards everyone apart from me (and Kaka cus she wasn't there for most of it) drank alcohol with a most of them getting drunk... very amusing to be one of the only sober ones there... Joe visited us for like an hour or so, Kaka plaited his hair... we had a giggle at the drunkards. More talking... eventually everyone went to sleep.


Extra hour of sleep was much appreciated. XD Or extra two hours really. But yes did the same with the light in the morning. Ended up ready to go before everyone else was out of bed, XD It was fun traumatising Jase as the DFM again though, XD That sight in the morning is enough to terrify anyone!! XD

Eventually got out to Expo... bought my Oscar (Rose of Versailles) purse/wallet... had a big squee session, XD Got back to apartment, recieved picture message from my girlies at Fuyucon... <3

After more talking and squeeing and the others getting ready, I acquired a Sissi and went out to find Vampire!Emi for more make-ups. Once that was done it was a quick sprint into the expo to find Heather so we could queue for the masquerade.

Arrived there and was placed in order... we were third from the start. I started shitting myself as I do before I go on stage. Thankfully Joe asked me and Heather to hand out sweets and water. Did that and got to have a good chat and squee with the rest of the masquerade people. Though had a quiet to myself squee over the Phoenix Wright group... that esclated into joing squee with Gemma when I found her. XD Once my sweet job was finished I stood and chatted with Gemma for a bit and we discussed our Phoenix Wright plan for Amecon. She's doing Zuka Edgeworth and I'm doing Zuka Phoenix... oh yes, XD We have many fun things planned for that already, XD

Returned to my place in the queue with Heather. Tried to work out what we were going to do, which all went out the window as soon as we were on stage. We improvised the entire thing but it worked out quite well. Yay for my first ever walk on!! We even got laughs when I chased Heather off stage with the dagger, XD

Got off stage and sat down ready to watch the rest of the masquerade. Ended up with Phoenix Wright sat in front of me... I wanted to poke the hair SO badly, XD XD I even have permission now to do it the next time she wears that costume, XD XD

The whole masquerade sang Happy Birthday to one of the contestants, including the audience... masquerade moved on.

Masquerade winners deserved it. The costumes were just wow. Wasn't too keen on the performance winner but to be honest the performances were slim pickings really... Sorry if any of you did a performance on the Sunday... I'm just used to WHAM BAM performances... I'll stop digging myself a hole now.

So after the masquerade we all returned to the apartment. Had a photo session with Pounce. Got some great stabby shots and shots of me being given an even bigger weapon... oh the fun, XD Finally collapsed out of costume. Feet were killing. We then went out to eat and found Emi there with her friends, and Kaka there with her friends. Found out it was Kaka's birthday... we made the whole place sing Happy Birthday to her very loudly. They even saved us at the apartment some of her cake... <3

After a very yummy meal that Pounce ended up eating the rest of everyone else's when we became full... we returned to the apartment. I did my Japanese homework and games evening began. SO much fun!!!! And group pictures of the apartment group were taken... Made our own Apples to Apples cards, including one for the DFM... ended up not breathing cus of laughing numerous times.

We only had to end so early cus me and Kathy had an early coach back to Bristol the next morning cus of my course that I didn't end up going to...


Kaka got up with us aswell to help us get across London to the coach station even though she didn't have to be there for a few more hours yet... <3 <3 <3 Got home and collapsed.


Expo was awesome but definitely not long enough. I got to meet up with lots of people I said I would but still not everyone. Will have to remedy that next time. Forgot to use my camera... oops. But yay for having lots of other people to nick pictures off of, XD

Did much cosplay planning and found out many people are going to the Cosplay Ball this month too. Yay for getting to see them all again!!!

And at the Ball is our mini Elisabeth group... Emi will be Sissi, Sam will be Der Tod, Steph will be Rudolf and I'll be Lucheni again... it will be SO much fun!!! I will be posting a review of that too afterwards with more pictures hopefully.


Me as Luigi Lucheni, Emi as Der tod. In the apartment, XD

Me as Luigi Lucheni, Emi as Der Tod. Epic Pose is Epic!!

Me as Luigi Lucheni, Emi as Der Tod. The passing of the dagger... it had to be done.

Close up!!!! XD

Masquerade Entry. Me as Luigi Lucheni, Minxie as Sissi. Sissi just had to flash those bloomers... XD

Masquerade Entry. Me as Luigi Lucheni, Minxie as Sissi. The pointy is after her...

Me as Luigi Lucheni, Minxie as PGSM Sailor Moon. Proving Sailor Moon can really love anyone and everyone, XD

For more pictures and larger versions of the one shown here visited my livejournal. Link is up the top in the little link section, ^_^

Well that was Expo... bring on the Cosplay Ball this month!!

Sunday, 18 October 2009

Dagger 2 and Rudolf 2

As you can see by the title, yes another two cosplay update, same ones as last time too.
But yay for progress!!

First up, again is the dagger. So we left off last time with the dagger drying. So it did dry and I found that the sheath had actually shrunk... the edges no longer matched up properly... Me = Annoyed? Yes. But what can you do?

So anyway out came the no more nails and glued together it became. Not perfect but meh.

Once that was dry the painting commenced! This bit actually took most of the time because of the amount of coats I had to do. The terracotta clay needed a lot more coats than the white clay did.

So first I did the red paint. It was the largest amount and yeah... was easier, XD

Tadaah, red paint complete. Next came the gold bit that the blade sits into and the blade itself. This bit was quite simple to do really and took all of ten minutes?

Yeah in that pic the blade looks blue... but it is silver. I can assure you of that. So I actually had to leave the dagger at this stage cus I had my course and I had to work. But my next day off I continued with painting the gold diamond on to the hilt and the gold edges of the sheath. This took quite a few coats to achieve but I managed it in the end.

And now you can see the silver blade too... XD

Nearly finished now. All that was left to do was to glue on the gems and the gold piping/edging thing. Now the actual dagger that they use in the Takarazuka shows have some HUGE gems on them... and some quite fancy ones too... I couldn't get a hold of those gems so instead I had to get others and sort of do my own design with them to create a similar effect. Same with the edging. What I did end up with though... I am quite proud. Even if I did nearly glue my fingers to this thing... XD

The dagger and blade seperate... and...

The dagger in it's Sheath. Now for second piece of prop work and clay work... it's not too bad. I am actually very proud of it. And I had so much fun making it. I do know how I could improve on it, which I will take into account if I ever remake this.

But for now... I love it. ^_^

Now onto my Rudolf update, XD Not a big one really... only one more item has been added to it...

My leggings arrived. They still need to be modified with the black ribbon and the marroon ribbon, but this likely won't be done until sometime next year. Still nice and simple though. It's the top half of Rudolf that's going to give me the problems... that shirt and jacket... so many accents!! *facepalm* They are going to kill me I swear.

But yay for progress and for completion of another prop!

Bring on the Expo next week!

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Dagger 1 and Rudolf 1

Two updates today, one prop and one costume.

First up is the Dagger, aka Lucheni's pointy, XD After finally getting all the supplies in I finally made a start on it today. First I drew a blade template and used it to create the blade pieces out of cardboard. After much drawing and cutting out with scissors later...

Once that had been achieved I then got out the industrial sized bottle of pva glue. Yes, pva, XD XD Using that I stuck the four blade pieces together to create...

Yep, you can see the templates I used in the background there, XD

Then once that was done, out came the clay. And man does that stuff stink. Of course I already knew that from doing my mirror, but this time I used terracotta clay, so my hands went all orange, XD

Anyways first I tackled the bit that the blade fits into, can't remember what it's called. So I cut off a bit of the clay from the pack I had, rolled it out and after much fiddling achieved this...

Then I realised that my plan to use the wire throughout the whole dagger was kinda void... since I had already made the blade and things, XD Whoops, XD

So after that I moved onto the handle of the dagger. Rolling out the remaining bit of clay, I then sculpted the main shape of it, minus the round tip. I then did use the wire in the handle, to make it sort of easier to attach to the blade section once dry and to attach the round tip to.

Then I used the last little bit of that lump of clay to make the round tip. I actually used my ring to make a cardboard template, that I then used to make the circle. Of course my ring was too small, so I then sort of estimated a bigger circle, and then attached that to the handle.

That's the blade and handle together. However it is in two pieces, and they will be glued together once they are dry.

Once the dagger was done I moved onto the sheath. Now as you saw in a previous picture and as I said earlier, I made a rough template to use. This template was too small again, so I estimated again to get the right size, and it actually worked, XD

So yes, I cut off some more clay, rolled it out and cut out the shape. Then I used what the shape I had cut as a template for the other half, though making it slightly bigger so I could curl the edges up.

The sheath is in two parts that will be glued together once dry. Of course then I had to see how the dagger fitted in the sheath, and it didn't come out too badly...

So yes, that's what I spent the last two and half hours doing, ^_^ And I am quite proud. My second piece of prop work.

Obviously once all the pieces are dry they will be glued together. And then once dry again I will paint them. Then once dry again again I'll glue on the gems and gold edging, XD

So yes, the pointy is in progress!! XD

Now for update 2!!

My very first Takarazuka cosplay that I ever planned was Crown Prince Rudolf. This will likely be in either a group cosplay or a paired cosplay with my Tod, Telly <3

After finding the perfect pair of boots on eBay, I bid on them and won... and they arrived today. I am currently wearing them actually. They are quite comfy though currently pinching my little toes, but every pair of shoes or boots you get that you put on for the first time does that. They are almost practically skin tight aswell, which does work, XD

So yes, I now have my Rudolf boots. Yes I will need to attach the flap bit at the top, but that should be no problem.

Walking around in these boots I feel like such an otokoyaku, XD XD

I will also use these boots for other otokoyaku Takarazuka cosplays, ^_^

Sunday, 4 October 2009

Luigi Lucheni 1

Okies, time to start updating this cosplay blog properly. So maybe before this blog wasn't strictly for cosplay but due to my livejournal being taken over by my real life moans and groans, and the fact that I think people might get fed up with the cosplay updates on there, I decided to convert this lovely little blog into a cosplay one!!

As you can see I edited my previous posts so they are about cosplay, XD Since they mostly were just mirror talk... XD

But yes anyways, cosplay blog!!

And update time!!

So at about the end of August I decided that I was going to put together a costume for the October Expo. Basically I heard that Emi was going to be bringing her Tod back and to the Expo so I thought why not join her with an Elisabeth cosplay? So after staring at my Mook for a good few hours and battling ideas around in my head, I decided on Luigi Lucheni, the narrator. He is also an Italian Terrorist who is a little on the insane side...

He has turned out a lot more expensive than I thought he would be, but everyone knows what I am like... need to have things as close as possible, XD

I have got a pic for you guys, a sort of teaser pic. The costume is far from finished, and I have a lot of modifying still to do and a prop still to make. But it's a cosplay update, so yay, XD

Ladies and Gentlemen may I present to you... IN PROGRESS LUIGI LUCHENI...

Omoshiroi... XD XD

So yeah, still have modifications to do, and obviously in the final shots I will be wearing make up and the hair will be done, but this was a testing out the trousers and boots thing and I wanted to take some progress shots, XD You're only getting the one though, XD

Hopefully I'll be updating again soon for you guys with progress of the dagger... yay for prop making again!!

Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Neptune's Deep Aqua Mirror 3

Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present to you one of my PROUDEST achievements...

My Deep Aqua Mirror...

The front of it, and my Myu Tiara aswell, ^_^

The back of it, and following is a close up.

It is sort of a mixture from the anime, the manga and the myus. I am so proud of this though, seeing as it was my first attempt and hand-making a prop ever, and it did break when I went over to Sweden, but... I love it. I do plan, in the future, to remake this. But I am happy with it for now, ^_^

Thursday, 19 February 2009

Neptune's Deep Aqua Mirror 2

Hey guys, ^_^

I actually had a productive day off today. I painted my mirror!! Okies, so it's still not finished but most of the painting is done now. All I have left to paint is the white Neptune symbol on the back. Then once that is done I can move onto the gems. It's slowly coming together, ^_^

Here is the back of it, minus the symbol and the gems...

And here is the front...

I am so close to finishing it now. So proud.

Sunday, 15 February 2009

Neptune's Deep Aqua Mirror 1

I made a prop for a Sailor Moon Cosplay, Sailor Neptune's Deep Aqua Mirror. I took inspiration from both the anime version and the Myu version. I am so proud of it, considering it's my first attempt at making a prop. It has turned out quite good so far, me thinks.

That's the back of it, which will have the green portion with the Neptune symbol in white. The green bit will be surrounded by small gold gems, that I will have to glue on individually by hand.

And that's the front. I tried my hardest to make the mermaid look good and I am happy with the result. I just need more practise to make her perfect. It should be completely dry by tomorrow so I can begin painting it. Fingers crossed anyway, ^_^