Sunday, 4 October 2009

Luigi Lucheni 1

Okies, time to start updating this cosplay blog properly. So maybe before this blog wasn't strictly for cosplay but due to my livejournal being taken over by my real life moans and groans, and the fact that I think people might get fed up with the cosplay updates on there, I decided to convert this lovely little blog into a cosplay one!!

As you can see I edited my previous posts so they are about cosplay, XD Since they mostly were just mirror talk... XD

But yes anyways, cosplay blog!!

And update time!!

So at about the end of August I decided that I was going to put together a costume for the October Expo. Basically I heard that Emi was going to be bringing her Tod back and to the Expo so I thought why not join her with an Elisabeth cosplay? So after staring at my Mook for a good few hours and battling ideas around in my head, I decided on Luigi Lucheni, the narrator. He is also an Italian Terrorist who is a little on the insane side...

He has turned out a lot more expensive than I thought he would be, but everyone knows what I am like... need to have things as close as possible, XD

I have got a pic for you guys, a sort of teaser pic. The costume is far from finished, and I have a lot of modifying still to do and a prop still to make. But it's a cosplay update, so yay, XD

Ladies and Gentlemen may I present to you... IN PROGRESS LUIGI LUCHENI...

Omoshiroi... XD XD

So yeah, still have modifications to do, and obviously in the final shots I will be wearing make up and the hair will be done, but this was a testing out the trousers and boots thing and I wanted to take some progress shots, XD You're only getting the one though, XD

Hopefully I'll be updating again soon for you guys with progress of the dagger... yay for prop making again!!

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