Tuesday, 29 December 2009

Phoenix Wright 1 and Alain de Soissons 1

Hello again, ^_^ I have some costume updates for you... already, XD Okies so one of them is actually due from before Christmas but I thought I better do my review of the ball first. So...

The first update is I have the tie for my Takarazuka version of Phoenix Wright... I spent ages searching and searching for a pink tie and thankfully whilst browsing before starting work I found a practically perfect one!!

It looks a littler bit more purpley in this picture but it is pink. Trust me on that. XD XD But yes, Phoenix now has his tie. ^_^ Obviously I already had the boots and I think the shirt. Just the tie clip and blue suit to go, ^_^

Phoenix will be worn at Amecon 2010.

My next update is for my Takarazuka version of Alain de Soissons from Rose of Versailles. Again I already have the boots thankfully. But everything else will need to be bought/made. Now thankfully I have made a start...

The turtleneck undershirt. Technically the version I'm doing doesn't have the undershirt, but due to some assests of mine that need to be quelled... the undershirt is needed, XD Thankfully the 2006, national tour version wears a turtleneck undershirt. All this means is that I'm doing a cross of two versions. Sort of...

Anyways, here is a pic of it on...

Please excuse what I look like here... I'm not exactly healthy at the moment, XD But yes, that is what it sort of look likes on... XD You mainly need to see the neck part which you can, the rest will be hidden underneath the jacket mainly anyway, ^_^

I hope to start a fabric hunt for this one soon, and to purchase my props (sword and hipflask). I would attempt to make them but... I don't think a sword out of clay would be a good idea, ;) Besides... my skills are way not up to either of those yet. But have no fear... I can easily find those cheaply online, ^_^

Again I already have the boots for this one too, ^_^

Alain de Soissons will be worn for the London May MCM Expo 2010 and for the Grand International Cosplay Ball 2010.

Obviously I will keep you all updated with how both of these costumes progress.

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