Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Rudolf 4 and Hiromi 2

Sorry for the long break in between posts... been a bit hectic... but I come with lots of pictures and progress!! First here is the ones for Rudolf...

Boot Toppers
So the boots I planned on wearing didn't go over the knee... and it kept bugging me about how inaccurate it would look.

So I searched online and found the perfect fabric for boot toppers, so they would go over my knees!! So I bought it and once it arrived I set to work. First I cut out the template/inner of the boot topper. I chose some really thin cardboard/thick paper, the inner of some wrapping paper to be exact, so it was flexible enough to bend when needed but sturdy enough to stand upright and not go all floppy.

Then I pinned the fabric onto the template like so...

Then I tacked them round, and that is where they currently stand.

They will be finished soon, and then I'll show you what they look like actually in the boots then too... ^_^

So originally I started making the medals out of clay but then my paranoia kicked. I was worried they would break, so after talking with some people I switched to cardboard. First I found a thin cardboard box and, armed with pencil and ruler, drew out the medals.

Then I cut them out... obviously, XD

You can also see the policewoman badge aswell, as I did it at the same time.
Next I glued the bits that needed glueing before painting.

Again you can see the policewoman badge there.
Then I did the base colour of paint...

And that is where they currently are.
Next I will paint the more entricate shapes before glueing on the gems, ^_^

Now I am going to be honest here... I couldn't actually see the belt all that well in my reference images, and I think it is actually engraved. But I don't have those sort of skills. So I grabbed my gems and improvised. I kinda went with what I thought would be appropriate for the character, and I think it turned out quite well.

And... that's it for Rudolf updates today. Next... Policewoman!Hiromi!!
I kept noticing more and more props or small things on this costume and it's driving me insane. Even yesterday I spotted she has a tie clip... so off to ebay I went last night, XD Anyway, I noticed that she has a handcuff bag atrached to her belt so... with the left over fabric from the boot toppers I made this:

That's the front, that little white circle there is actually a gem... it needed more sparkle, XD

And that's the back... with the HUGE belt loop. The belt is really wide hence why it needed the huge belt loop of doom, XD It's completely hand-sewn, and even though it's slightly wonky and what not... I'm quite proud of it.

As you saw before in the Rudolf updates I did the badge too, only I finished the badge and only have to attach the safety pin to the back. From the previous pictures of it, I painted it gold and wrote the kanji for Ayana Oto on the front. The kanji didn't end up as good as I would have liked it but the pen was being annoying and not writing smoothly. Then I got gem happy again and this was the result:

And that is all for now. I am back at work on the costumes tomorrow, so hopefully I will come with another update tomorrow. ^_^

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