Saturday, 20 February 2010

Hiromi 1

Long time, no see. XD XD

Yes it has been a while since my last update. Things got a little insane for a while and had to replan a few cosplays for Amecon. That's all sorted now though aswell as my registration for said event.

Anyways on to the update I have for you. This one is for my Ayana Oto (Hiromi) Policewoman costume from Rio de Bravo, the Revue for Russian Blue, by Takarazuka 2009. It is a paired cosplay with Sam, who will be cosplaying Mizu from the same scene.

The wig, gun, holster and handcuffs have been obtained. ^_^

Please excuse how crappy I look... and at the fact that I seem to be pointing the gun at Sou Kazuho... XD XD

I should be starting the actual costume construction soon for both Hiromi and Alain. Of course I will keep this updated as the costumes progress, ;) That is what this blog is for after all, XD XD

Anyway that is it for now. Only a small update, ^_^

I hope you all have a good day, ^_^