Thursday, 19 February 2009

Neptune's Deep Aqua Mirror 2

Hey guys, ^_^

I actually had a productive day off today. I painted my mirror!! Okies, so it's still not finished but most of the painting is done now. All I have left to paint is the white Neptune symbol on the back. Then once that is done I can move onto the gems. It's slowly coming together, ^_^

Here is the back of it, minus the symbol and the gems...

And here is the front...

I am so close to finishing it now. So proud.

Sunday, 15 February 2009

Neptune's Deep Aqua Mirror 1

I made a prop for a Sailor Moon Cosplay, Sailor Neptune's Deep Aqua Mirror. I took inspiration from both the anime version and the Myu version. I am so proud of it, considering it's my first attempt at making a prop. It has turned out quite good so far, me thinks.

That's the back of it, which will have the green portion with the Neptune symbol in white. The green bit will be surrounded by small gold gems, that I will have to glue on individually by hand.

And that's the front. I tried my hardest to make the mermaid look good and I am happy with the result. I just need more practise to make her perfect. It should be completely dry by tomorrow so I can begin painting it. Fingers crossed anyway, ^_^